Meet Our Team

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Meet Our Team

At Upendo we believe in diversity. Every human being is unique and it is the value we put on our differences that makes our team unbreakable and unbeatable. We intentionally hire people from different cultures and of different levels of education make a unique family. We share a common goal and everyone does whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Our 4 core values guide our every action:


  • Unconditional love for every child
  • Professional caregiving
  • Unmatched quality of education
  • Morals par excellance


As our mission states, every member of our team knows that Upendo sets the standard for others to follow. The children are at the heart of everything we do as a team; their happiness and wellbeing in all the four dimensions of life – Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit is our number priority.

Mrs. Diana Lucas Mmassy

Mrs. Diana Lucas Mmassy

Managing Director
Mr. Muhanguzi Amos

Mr. Muhanguzi Amos

School Administrator
Ms. Ahimbisibwe Fiona

Ms. Ahimbisibwe Fiona

Dean of studies
Ms. Caroline Niwamanya

Ms. Caroline Niwamanya

Our school Bursar
Our Matrons

Our Matrons

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